8 December 2015

Marcel Lucont & Christian Shulte-Loh

Ladies and gents, what a lineup for our pre Christmas show - The most hated french and the most loved german together on the same evening, check this out

Marcel Lucont

Flâneur, raconteur, bon-viveur, Marcel Lucont is easily the best French comedian on the UK circuit today. If you don't believe this, just ask him yourself.

Marcel has entertained the world with his wry observations, bawdy chansons and top-class sex poetry, and is the author of the superb book "What We French Think Of You British... And Where You Are Going Wrong" (New Holland Publishers)

— Winner: FringeWorld Award - Best Comedy Show - FringeWorld Perth 2013
— Winner: Amused Moose Award - Best Comedy Show - Edinburgh Fringe 2012
— Nominee: Best International Show Award - New Zealand Comedy Festival 2012

Christian Schulte-Loh

Normally it's not a good sign when a German steps on stage. It either ends in a world domination speech or in a Europop performance. Both cases have scared off generations and created a very well known stereotype:
Germans are not funny - at least not on purpose.

Christian decided very early to change that stereotype.

His first solo show ("Stop Laughing, I am German!") got excellent reviews and sell-out audiences at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in 2009.

"Christian Schulte-Loh has created one of the most subversive acts ever. The gags have an astonishing freshness and power." — The Spectator

Christian has been gigging for The Comedy Store (UK), The SoHo Comedy Club (UK), Highlight (UK), MirthControl (UK), BudSuCS (Hungary), 123ComedyClub (Belgium/Holland), and many more.

8 December 2015 - Marcel Lucont & Christian Shulte-Loh